Singapore Kaya (Pandan flavored Coconut Egg Custard)

After living in US for about 3 months, I would say that breakfast in US is rather standard compared to Singapore. Breads, eggs, ham, cereal and bacon. But I would say that the variety of breakfast and brunch that evolves around these few ingredients are many and all so delicious. Nevertheless, I want to introduce a new spread to my American friends, it is none other than our Singapore Kaya, flavored with the infamous pandan leaves. Kaya is made from coconut milk, eggs and sugar. It is a popular breakfast toast spread among Singaporeans. It is not often made at home as it is easily found in coffee shops, bakeries and supermarkets. And it takes lots of patience to make it. 

I used to have about three Pandan plants (screw pine) in my Singapore home. Before we moved to US, we left them under the care of my parents who have quite an uncoordinated floral display along the corridor outside their flat. I hope the plants are blooming with care now. There are so many advantages to have these wonderful pandan plants around at home. There are so flavorful and packed with fragrance which is commonly added into Asian desserts, rice, cakes, kuehs and so many more. The medicinal values help to treat stomachaches and aid digestions; and possess anti-cancer properties and antiseptic effects when used externally. But there is one property I LOVE the MOST. IT REPELS COCKROACHES!!! When you have pandan leaves around the house and some taxi uncles put them in their vehicles, the leaves actually get rid of cockroaches! Isn’t it wonderful, ladies? You can find frozen pandan leaves in Asian supermarkets or choose an easier option, pandan extract. 

This is my first attempt in making Kaya and I am proud to say, it tastes so yummy!


  • 10 Large eggs
  • 300g Caster Sugar
  • 400ml Coconut milk
  • 20g Juice of Pandan leaves or 1/4 tsp pandan extract
  1. Beat the sugar and eggs with a whisk till it is well blended. 
  2. Double boil the egg mixture over low heat. Water must be simmering. 
  3. Add in the coconut milk slowly and keep stirring.
  4. Add in the pandan extract. 
  5. Keep stirring until the custard starts to form. 
  6. Continue for about another 10 minutes. 
  7. Remove from heat. 
  8. Cool and bottle. 
  9. Be eaten cool with hot toast. 

Homemade Strawberry Preserve (Jam)

I have some strawberries in my refrigerator which we bought from Haymarket (a cheap wholesale market in Boston). It costs only $1 for each box. We bought a box and thinking we can have them with cereal for breakfast the next day. Forgetting we still have raspberries. So the strawberries stood in the fridge for a couple of days and I am sorry to say that they lost their beautiful, blooming, fresh luster. They have a few bruises but I am no fruit abuser 😛

Nevertheless they are good tasting strawberries. Let’s preserve the goodness of the strawberries and make it into jam. I can have the it for dessert, breakfast spread, pies or over ice cream. The good thing about homemade preserve is that you got to decide the sweetness and totally no preservatives. 

Recipe for 1 cup of preserve
12-15 Large/medium strawberries 
Half a lemon, juice it
1 cup of sugar (You may adjust this according to your preference)


  1. Wash and drain the strawberries.
  2. Hull the strawberries and cut into quarters. 
  3. In a non-stick pot (easier to wash), put the cut strawberries, sugar and lemon juice to boil. 
  4. When it starts to boil, turn the heat to low. Give a stir occasionally.
  5. Simmer for about 30 minutes or until liquid thickens.
  6. Remove from heat. Cool.
  7. You may can it or store in a container. Refrigerate.