French Onion Soup with Cheese Gratin

I am a soup person. I love soups. I will order soup as a side in restaurants even though it is scorching hot outside. Be it cream, clear, bisque or consomme. You have it, I get it. However, I didn’t quite understand why the ‘French’ like tonnes of onions in their soup? What is so unique about French Onion Soup? Just onions for soup? Is it possible for onions to stand out on its own. Well, I have to convince myself. 

Recently I was at a French restaurant along Duxton and they only had French onion soup for their lunch menu. Well, I thought it was time to give onions a chance. So I did. Wow! The caramelized onions provided a layered and complex depth to the taste. The gruyere cheese and  toasted bread enhanced the texture and taste to a humble soup. Hmm…mm… onions  surprised me. 

For the next few days, I was thinking about it and flipped Julia Child’s cookbook. Yes, let’s make it!

Recipe (Serves 6)

A) Onion soup
  • 680g Yellow onions, thinly sliced
  • 40f Unsalted Butter
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil 
  • 3 tbsp Plain flour
  • 1.9 litres Chicken Stock  
  • 1/2 cup White wine
  • 3 tbsp Cognac
  • 1/2 tsp Salt 
  • 1/2 tsp Sugar
  • A dash of pepper
  1. In a heated large pot, melt the butter with oil over low heat. 
  2. Add in the onions and stir well. 
  3. Cover for 15 minutes and let it cook slowly. 
  4. Uncover the pot, increase the heat to medium and add in salt and pepper. 
  5. Stir frequently for about 30 minutes or until onions turn deep golden brown. Scrap the bottom of pot to prevent burning as the onions caramelized. 
  6. Add in the flour and cook for another 3 minutes. 
  7. Add in wine and stock. 
  8. Season with salt and pepper. 

B) Cheese Gratin

  • 2 cups Grated Gruyere 
  • 1 French bread, cut into 0.8 inch thick rounds and toasted till hard
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  1. Preheat the oven to 170 degree Celsius. 
  2. Divide the soups into 6 soup bowls. 
  3. Add 1 tsp of cheese into the soup. 
  4. Spread some butter on toast. 
  5. Float a couple of toasted bread over the soup and top it with your preferred amount of cheese. 
  6. Bake it for 15 minutes and finish it off over a broiler/grill at high heat to brown the cheese lightly. 
  7. Serve while it is hot. 

Do take note that the soup will thickened during the baking process. Enjoy!

Coriander and Tomato based Curry Chicken

I am very fortunate to be able to be to learn to cook different cuisines during my stay in Cambridge. My participation in two culinary clubs has been very rewarding. I made many friends from different countries and learn from them how to cook their home country’s delicacies. My friend, D, is from India (Calcutta) and she taught me this dish during one of the culinary sessions. She is a very good cook. Her warm character and generosity is contagious. Her calm and composed disposition makes people around her at ease.  

One of the most delicious dish I have learnt from D (so far) is the Coriander and Tomato-based Curry Chicken. It is not the usual thick, coconut-milk based curry that Singaporeans like to eat. It is lighter and healthier. The gravy is well-flavored with spices, onions and tomatoes, simmered with chicken to bring out the goodness. 

Recipe (Serves 4)

  • Half a chicken, chopped into pieces
  • 2 large Tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 yellow onions, chopped
  • 1 handful of coriander leaves
  • 1 tbsp Ginger paste
  • 1 tbsp Garlic paste
  • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp Garum Masala
  • 1 tbsp Cumin powder
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • Water
  • Cooking Oil
  • Salt and Pepper

  1. Marinate the chicken piece with salt and pepper for 30 minutes.
  2. In a pot, heat 2 tbsp of oil. Saute onion until it turns translucent. 
  3. Add in ginger and garlic paste. Stir well and add in cumin and 1 tbsp garam marsala. 
  4. Add in tomatoes and fryuntil the oil separates from the mixture. 
  5. Add in the marinated chicken and fry until it turns opaque. 
  6. Add in 2 cups of water and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes. 
  7. Add in salt, pepper and sugar to taste. 
  8. To finish, add 1 tsp pf garum marsala and coriander leaves. 

Recipe is adapted from my friend who is now in Cambridge, MA 
*Her name is not disclosed for privacy purpose

Curried Carrot and Cilantro Soup

My refrigerator is reaching its bleakest moment… it is emptying …. Yes, we skipped a week of grocery shopping. No luxury of options so our stomachs were asking for some creativity. I need something to start a dinner of apricot glazed chicken drumsticks (Yes, we are having it again because it was so good!) and pan-fried brussels sprouts. I pulled my vegetable drawer in the fridge and I had only a few carrots and some sprigs of cilantro left. 

How about carrot soup? Ya I know… not appealing at all. I am sure with some innovation it will be an awesome soup! And it did turn out really great. My food critic (aka hubby) gave thumbs up too! 

I like the depth of curry powder. It makes food tastes so exotic and rich. This spice definitely adds some $$ value to a plain old carrot soup. The use of cilantro was really quite a genius as it brings out a citrus-y and healthy taste. I know cilantro may not be everyone’s favorite but it has a place in our house. Yea!!!

Recipe (Serves 3 -4) 

  • 3 medium Carrots, peeled and cut into dices
  • 1 Onion, peeled and chopped
  • 1 handful of Cilantro, chopped
  • 1 tbsp Curry powder
  • 2 cups Beef stock (you can use chicken or vegetable stock)
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Heavy cream (optional) 
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  1. In a heavy saucepan, heat olive oil on medium heat. Add in chopped onions and stir well. 
  2. When onions turn transparent, add in carrots. 
  3. Stir for 2 minutes and add in beef stock and water. 
  4. Let it boil on medium heat until the carrots turn very tender. Use a fork to test. 
  5. Add in cilantro and simmer for 2 minutes. 
  6. Using an immersion handheld blender or a liquidizer, blend the soup until all ingredients are fine. Be careful as soup is very hot. 
  7. Return the saucepan with soup to low heat. 
  8. Season the soup with curry powder, salt and pepper. Simmer for another 5 minutes. 
  9. Serve with a drizzle of heavy cream. 

Potato and Leek Soup

Everyone has something for soups. Some must have soup everyday to go with their meals, some take it when they feel cold and some take it when they need some comfort. Me? I need soup all the time. I like  soups of all kinds, be it creamy or clear soups.

I just got myself a new toy recently. I have one Singapore, given by by mum. It was so handy that I decided to have one in Boston. It is a handheld blender. It come with attachments that I can used it anyway I want. I really like the stick blender where I can stick it into a pot of delicious cooked ingredients to puree them immediately. I know that chefs use them a lot. I do suggest you go get one too. 

I enjoy going to a couple of farmers markets in Cambridge: Charles square and Central Square. There are a good variety of farmers and food vendors who are really keen in meeting people and selling fresh and good quality produce. As I managed to get some farmers’ market fresh potatoes and leeks from Charles Square, Cambridge, I was pretty sure I can going to have some good soup tonight. I always enjoy cooking with and eating fresh farmers’ produce because I know I am eating real foods with little or no harmful chemicals and freshly picked in that morning, bursting with colours and flavours. 

I like how potatoes and leeks come together. The earthiness of potatoes well balanced with the mild onion like taste of leeks. It is really tasty. But I added some crispy prosciutto and toasted pine nuts to add some texture to it. 

Recipe (Serves 4)

  • 3 Large potatoes, cut into small dices
  • 5 Leeks, white part only, cut into thin slices
  • 1 Shallot, chopped
  • 2 Bay leaves
  • 2 sprigs of Thyme
  • 4 cups of Chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup of White wine
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Melt butter in a soup pot over medium heat. 
  2. Add in shallots and fry till it turns transparent. 
  3. Add in leeks and fry till fragrance. Then add in potatoes. Stir well. 
  4. Add in white wine, bay leaves and thyme. Simmer for 2 minutes.
  5. Add in chicken soup and simmer till the potatoes are tender. 
  6. Remove from heat. 
  7. Remove bay leaves and thyme from soup. 
  8. Puree with a hand-stick blender. Make sure the soup turns smooth.  
  9. Return to heat. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Enjoy!

Healthy Black Glutinous Rice Chicken Soup

The black glutinous rice is named as the “black pearl (黑珍珠)” in chinese medical terms. It is known for its many health benefits because of high protein, iron, calcium, vitamins B1, B2 and many other minerals. Chinese physicians claim that black glutinous rice is great to be eaten during summer as it is good for the gastric and stomach. Also it can replenish stamina 养气. Isn’t black glutinous rice wonderful?

How did I chance upon the dish? My hubby and I was at East Ocean restaurant located at Scotts for dim sum. Well, I love soups so I asked what was their soup of the day. “Why not try our black glutinous rice chicken soup. It is good for your stamina and health.” recommended by the manager. So we tried it and I was indeed impressed.
The inquisitive mind took over and I did an online search. It was not a common dish. However, with some luck, I managed to pin some references from some Chinese website. I made some changes to recipe and give it a try.

Recipe (6 servings)
  • Half a Fresh Chicken, cut into pieces
  • 1/2 cup of Black Glutinous Rice
  • 4 litres of water
  • 1 small handful of 玉竹 yu zhu, approximately 6 pieces
  • 1 tbsp heapful of Wolfberries 枸杞子
  • Salt, sugar and pepper


  1. Soak the black glutinous rice in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Boil the water in a pot.
  3. Using 250ml of boiling water to scald the chicken pieces in a bowl.
  4. Add scalded chicken pieces, black glutinous rice and yu zhu into the pot of boiling water. Slow boil with low heat for 2 hours.
  5. Add wolberries and boil for another 30 minutes.
  6. Add salt, sugar and pepper to taste.

This soup is best taken hot. Enjoy!

Huai Shan (Wild Yam) Chicken Soup

Huai shan has been in the wet market for about 2 years. I have been ignorant to its existence till recently my mother cooked it. I asked if it is a special type of potato as it tasted just like one.

Based on my internet findings, Huai shan has many medicinal benefits. It is commonly used in chinese medicine to treat kidneys, spleen and lungs. It promotes urination, lower blood sugar and pressure, anti aging and improves digestive system. Isn’t this amazing?

This root vegetable carries a sweet and light taste. It can be used for soups and stir fries. I would like to share a simple soup recipe with you such you can boil a healthy soup for your whole family.

1/4 a medium chicken, cut
20 cm Huai Shan, peeled and cut into 1 inch
1 carrot, peeled and cut into thick slices
1 tbsp wolfberries
1 clove of garlic
1.5 litre of water
Salt and pepper to taste

  • In a slow cooker, add in boiling water.
  • Put all the ingredients in except for seasoning.
  • Let it slow boil for 3-4 hours.
  • Season before serving.
  • You may like to remove chicken skin for healthier soup.

New Year Dinner for Friends

We hosted our friends for dinner on New Year’s Day.
We cooked up a decent french fare which I could happily say that everyone was impressed and satisfied. We were rather busy hence did not take much pictures.

The Menu

Brioche with herb butter
Prawn Bisque
Watermelon Granita
Cod Fish Fillet in Bochot Mussel Jus with Braised Cabbage
Mi Cuit Au Chocolate with Vanilla Ice-cream

Julia Child’s Prawn Bisque

For those who read about Julia Child or watch “Julie and Julia” knows that Julia Child is infamous for bringing French cooking into the homes of the Americans. I bought her two recipe books and I find them very interesting to read. It is like she is speaking to you and sharing with you her passion in cooking. However, I like to say that the format of her recipes is extremely different to follow and unfriendly.

For my dear readers, I will post up the recipe of the delicious Prawn Bisque after I have tidy the recipe up. The soup if a must try. My guests had two servings each!