Glutinous Rice with Dried Shrimps, Chinese mushrooms and peanuts (糯米饭)

After making the Kaya Glutinous Rice Cake, I still have more than half a packet of glutinous rice sitting in my cupboard. I did not wish to see any rice weevils so I have to use it up before the shelf life expires. So what should I make? Quick…quick… 

This dish which I am sharing is a typical Chinese Singaporean breakfast and it can be seen as a common celebratory dish to welcome the new born babies. I think the success factor of the dish goes to the tenderness of the grains and the blend of accompaniments that complements the sticky rice. The only tough thing about making this dish is that each ingredients must be fried to fragrant before mixing with the pre-soaked rice. After that you can send the blend of ingredients to steam to perfection!

Recipe (Serves 8)
  • 500g Glutinous rice , rinsed, soaked in water for at least 4 hours and drained
  • 100g Peanuts with skin, fried till golden brown
  • 50g Dried shrimps, soaked for 30 minutes
  • 5 pc Dried Chinese mushrooms, soaked till soft and thinly sliced 
  • 200g Pork Belly, cut into thin strips
  • 75g Shallots, thinly sliced
  • 2 stalks Spring onions, chopped 
  • 1 Red Chili, chopped
  • 150ml Water
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt 
  • 1/2 tsp White Pepper
  • 1/2 tbsp Dark Soya sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp Light Soya sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp Sesame oil 
  • 11/3 tsp Sugar
  • 5 tbsp Cooking oil 

  1. Heat up the wok and add in cooking oil. 
  2. Fry the shallots till golden brown over medium heat. Remove shallots and leave the oil in the wok. 
  3. Fry the mushrooms till fragrant for about 3 minutes. Remove mushrooms and leave the oil in the wok. 
  4. Fry the dried shrimps till fragrant. Be careful as oil may spatter. Remove half the shrimps and set aside. 
  5. Add in pork and fry till it turns opaque. Add in half of the fried mushrooms and half the of fried shallots. 
  6. Add in the drained glutinous rice. Mix well. 
  7. Add in the seasoning and water. Fry for 1 minute. 
  8. Transfer to a steaming tray and steam for 40 minutes. 
  9. Remove the tray from heat and let it cool for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with fried peanuts, rest of the mushrooms, dried shrimps and shallots. Top it with spring onions and chili as desired. 

If you are wondering how I fry the peanuts… All I did was to deep fry them in a saucepan of hot oil. Put the peanuts in a metal strainer and lowered it into the oil. In less than 30 seconds, the peanuts are browned perfectly. You will noticed the peanuts had shrunk a little. These peanuts are good to eat on their own too. 

Kaya Glutinous Rice cake (Kueh Seri Kaya)

When I was young, my parents would sometimes drive by Katong to pick up some nyonya kuehs for breakfast for the next day. I was not a BIG fan of the asian sweet cakes but there are a few types I adore. In fact, my family members have their own personal favourite. And mine? Kueh Seri Kaya!

Most nyonya kuehs are made from eggs, coconut milk, flour, asian herbs and some use root vegetables like tapioca and yams or in this case, rice. These ingredients are easily available in Asia and they are relatively cheap. The preparation is easy and does not require much whipping or beating. 

Recipe (12 cm round tray)

A) Rice (base)

  • 600g glutinous rice, washed once and soaked for 4 hours
  • 1 & 1/2 tsp Salt 
  • 250 ml Coconut milk
  • 125 ml Coconut milk + 125 ml water
  • 3 pieces of Pandan Leaves
  1. Drained the glutinous rice. Lay the rice into a 12-cm round tray and steam the rice for 10 minutes. 
  2. Dissolve salt in 60 ml Coconut milk + 60 ml water mixture. Mix into the glutinous rice. 
  3. When it is mixed well, add in the rest of the coconut milk. 
  4. Lay the pandan leaves on top of rice.
  5. Steam for another 30 minutes. 

b) Kaya
  • 35g Plain Flour
  • 240ml Coconut milk 
  • 60 ml Coconut milk + 60 ml water
  • 10 eggs 
  • 230g Caster Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Salt 
  • 2 Pandan leaves, tie into a knot
  • 120ml Pandan juice, pound the 10 pandan leaves and add 2 tbsp of water
  • 1/2 tsp Green colouring 

  1. Mix plain flour with 60 ml Coconut milk + 60 ml water. Set aside.
  2. Mix the eggs in a bowl and strain it through a strainer. 
  3. In a metal mixing bowl or a heat proof glass mixing bowl, mix the eggs with sugar, salt and pandan leaves. 
  4. Add in the coconut milk, pandan juice, colouring and flour mixture. Mix well. 
  5. Put the mixing bowl over a pot of simmering water, double boil it. 
  6. Stir continuously until the kaya thickens and coats the back of a wooden spatula. 
  7. Discard the pandan leaves. 

8. Pour the kaya over the just steamed glutinous rice. 

9. Steam it for 30 minutes. 

10. Set aside 4 hours. Cut and serve!  

I like how this recipe turned out. Very authentic and original! My mum came over and had 3 pieces at one shot! That speaks for itself!

Singapore Hainanese Chicken Rice

It has been six months since I have returned to Singapore. Routines are back and busyness got the better of me. In the recent months, there was much talk about inflation and how much standard of living has increased in Singapore. From what I know, the cost of Big Mac is a benchmark across countries to measure standard of living. Well, I think to measure inflation and standard of living over time in Singapore would be a plate of chicken rice. 

I remember that a plate of chicken rice during my younger days was priced at a humble $1.50. Over time, price has increased in steps of 50 cents  and now the cost of a plate of chicken rice varies from $2.50 at hawker centres to $25 at hotels. So what makes a good plate of chicken rice? Some think it is the fragrant rice and others think it is the appetizing chili sauce. I think it is  the smooth and tender chicken. Or perhaps it is all of the above? 

Today, we had decided to invite my family over for chicken rice. 

Once I shared with a friend in the states the variety of Singapore delicacies. As I mentioned that tourists love Singapore Hainanese Chicken rice, she looked puzzled  and asked how would rice with chicken be possibility be a favourite. Linking to the South-east Asian origin, asian spices and herbs are essentials to a good plate of Chicken rice.  I guessed one has to taste it to believe it! 

The preparation is time-consuming as there are three parts to this sumptuous meal. As mentioned, chicken, rice and chili sauce. Are you ready? 

Recipe (For 4 person)

A) Chicken
  • 1.5kg Whole chicken, cleaned and pat dry 
  • 2-cm knob of ginger, bruised
  • 5 cloves of garlic, bruised
  • 3 stalks of spring onions, bruised
  • A pot of water
  • 1 tbsp Sesame oil


  1. Remove fats from lower end of the chicken and put aside. This will be used in the preparation of rice. 
  2. Boil the pot of water. 
  3. Put all the ingredients into boiling water. Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. 
  4. Prepare a basin of iced water.
  5. When chicken is ready, remove the chicken from the pot and soak in iced water for 5 minutes. This step will stop the cooking process and tenderize the chicken. 
  6. Remove from iced water and place on a plate. 
  7. Rub the chicken with some sesame oil.
  8. Reserve the chicken stock for cooking of rice and chili sauce. It is very good as soup to accompany the chicken rice. 
  9. When the chicken is cooled, chop the chicken into pieces on lay on a serving plate. Decorate with some coriander/ cilantro. 

After soaking in ice-bath, the skin will be translucent and very smooth. 

B) Rice
  • 3 cups of rice, washed and drained  
  • Chicken fats from the chicken 
  • 4 cups of Chicken stock from the preparation of chicken
  • Spice paste: 2cm ginger, 6 garlic cloves, 3 shallots
  • 2-cm knob of ginger, bruised
  • 5 cloves of garlic, bruised
  • 3 stalks of spring onions, bruised
  • 3 stalks of lemon grass, use only the bottom 2 inches, bruised
  • 2 large pandan leaves, tied into knob
  • 1/4 tsp Salt 
  • 2 tbsp Cooking oil
  1. Make the spice paste by blending the ginger, garlic and shallots or pounding with mortar and pestle. 
  2. In a heated wok, add cooking oil and chicken fats. 
  3. Brown the chicken fats over low heat. 
  4. Add in spice paste and the other ingredients except the rice and pandan leaves.
  5. Fry from 3 minutes or until fragrant. 
  6. Add in the rice and pandan leaves. 
  7. Fry to ensure the rice is well-covered with spice paste and oil. 
  8. Add in 4 cups of chicken stock. 
  9. Cover the wok and cook over low heat.
  10. After 10 minutes, stir the rice to prevent burnt bottom and check if the rice is done. Continue to cook if it is not ready. 
  11. If it is done, transfer to a rice-cooker to keep warm. 

C) Chili Sauce
  • 100g Fresh red chili 
  • 5 Garlic cloves, peeled
  • 2 cm knob of Ginger, peeled
  • 3 Shallots, peeled 
  • 4 Cilantro stems
  • 1/4 cup of Chicken Stock  
  • 1 tsp White vinegar 
  • 2 tsp Sugar 
  • 2 tsp Salt 
  1. Make the chili paste by blending the ginger, garlic, shallots and cilantro stems or pounding with mortar and pestle.
  2. In a saucepan, cook the chili paste and add in the other ingredients. 
  3. Let it simmer for 2 minutes. 
  4. Remove from heat. Cool before serving. 

To make it a complete meal, you may want to include some poached greens with oyster sauce, sliced cucumber and chicken soup with spring onions. Bon Appetite! 

Shrimp Risotto

Being an Asian, rice has been a stable for me since young. My family enjoys rice in different forms: steamed, stewed, fried and boiled (porridge and congee). Recently, my hubby and I decided to go without rice in attempt to reduce our carbohydrate intake. It has been for 2 weeks. So far so good…. But today I decided to break it because I am making RISOTTO!

Risotto is an Italian dish, usually served on its own before an entree. It is cooked in broth and white wine to a creamy texture. The creaminess comes from the starch released during the cooking process hence it is very important to stir the risotto frequently. I have always enjoy risotto, especially with shellfish because it is sweet. 

There are a few things to take note when cooking risotto:

  1. Use only short grain rice. Usually Arborio or Carnaroli. Carnaroli is considered to be the best as it is less likely to be overcooked. 
  2. Do not wash the rice. You need the starch. 
  3. Stir frequently during the cooking process to help to release the starch from the rice. 
  4. Make sure the stock is simmering in another pot so you add in hot stock into the risotto. 
  5. Do not overcooked. Best to be al dente and grains are separated. 

Recipe (For 2 servings)
  • 1/2 cup Arborio rice
  • 2 shallots, chopped finely
  • 1/2 cup Dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 cup of Chicken stock (You can use seafood stock)
  • 8 medium shrimps, shelled, deveined and halved
  • 1 clove Garlic, chopped
  • 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan Reggiano
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, to taste
  • A small bunch of Flat Parsley, chopped (Optional)

  1. In a small saucepan, simmer the chicken stock. 
  2. In a heated pan, add 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and garlic. Saute the garlic till fragrant. Add in shrimps. When it just turns pink, add a splash of white wine. Simmer for 1 minute and remove from heat. Set aside for later use. 
  3. Using a larger saucepan over medium heat, add in shallots. Cook till it turns translucent. 
  4. Add in the rice. Stir well for 2-3 minutes. You will see the grains turning translucent at the ends.
  5. Add in 1/4 cup of white wine. Stir well. When the rice has absorbed the wine, add in 1/2 cup of stock. Add in the juice from the cooked shrimp to add extra flavor. Stir well. 
  6. When you observe that the rice has absorbed the liquid, add another 1/2 cup of stock. Repeat this until the rice is Al Dente. During this process, stir the risotto frequently. 
  7. Add in the cooked shrimps, salt and grated cheese. Stir well for 1 minute. Remove from heat. 
  8. You may add in chopped parsley. 
  9. Enjoy!

Fragrant Yam rice (Taro rice)

Staying in a family orientated community made me realized the sacrifices of many stay-at-home mums (SAHMs). It is definitely not easy to forgo own interests and career to stay at home to take care of young kids who demand every second of your attention. A new friend of mine (a SAHM) requested to learn to make one-dish meal as she finds it challenging to prepare dinner and take care of kids at the same time. Seriously, who can?

Hence I made this one-dish meal and dedicate to all SAHMs. I hope you can save some cooking time and spend more time caring for your loved ones. 


  • 1 1/2 cup of Jasmine rice (rice cooker’s cup), washed and drained
  • 5 medium Dried Shitake mushrooms, soaked till soft and diced
  • 2 tbsp Dried Shrimps, soaked 
  • 2 small Yams, approx 1 cup, diced 
  • 30g Pork belly, sliced (optional)
  • 1 shallot, chopped
  • Spring onions, chopped 
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp Light Soya sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp Dark Soya sauce
  • 1/4 tsp sesame oil
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • Dash of pepper
  • Cooking oil 
  • In a heated wok over medium fire, add 3 tbsp of cooking oil. 
  • Add in shallots. Fry till golden brown. Remove shallots and leave the oil in wok. 
  • Add in soaked dried shrimps into wok. Fry till fragrance, about 2 minutes. 
  • Add in mushrooms. Fry till fragrance, about 1 minute. 
  • Add in pork slices. Fry till opaque. 
  • Add in yam. Stir well. 
  • Add in seasoning such as oyster sauce, dark and light soya sauce, salt, pepper and sesame oil. 
  • Add in rice. Stir well and make sure all rice is coated evenly. 
  • Add in half of the fried shallots.
  • Pour into a rice cooker and add in water. 
  • Cook the rice in the rice cooker. The usual process takes place. 
  • But you may choose to cook the rice in the wok. Reduce fire to low and cover. 

When the rice is cooked, use a spatula and stir a couple of times. Serve in individual bowls, top with the rest of the fried shallots and some spring onions. If you are not eating right away, you can keep it in the rice cooker in ‘warm’ mode. I think the total preparation and cooking time is less than 30 minutes. But most importantly, it is easy and tasty!