Caramelized Banana Tarte

I never quite like Jamie Oliver’s creation as they did not managed to convince me to try. However after I watched his podcast, I found a tempting Banana Tarte which hit right on my sweet tooth. So I tried. It is so easy to make!

My hubby and I loved the caramalized bananas. Yummy!

Recipe for one 8-inch tarte:
1/2 packet of puff pastry
2 Large Del-Monte bananas (Skinned, Halved and sliced halves)
100g caster sugar
20g Butter
1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
1/2 orange zest

  1. In a non-stick 8 inch pie pan, heat sugar, butter, cinnamon powder and orange zest over low fire.
  2. Stir well till smooth and golden brown. Put the bananas on top of the caramel.
  3. Roll the puff pastry to 1/2 cm thick and lay over the pan.
  4. Trim or tuck the excess pastry into the sides of the pan.
  5. Poke some holes in the pastry with a fork to allow air to exit during baking.
  6. Bake the tarte at 180 degree Celsius for 15mins or golden brown.
  7. Turn the tarte upside down.
  8. Serve warm with ice cream.

Chinese New Year Specials: Kueh Lapis

Kueh Lapis is commonly known as malay layered cake. The cake is rich with egg yolks, butter and mixed spices. Hence it is not for healthy foodies. This is great news as the rest of us can enjoy more of the Kueh Lapis.
As the cake is rich, it is usually served in thin slices. I suggest it to go with some tea to help to remove the richness from your mouth. Nevertheless it is a marvellous cake.

Chinese New Year Goodies 3:

Original Kueh Lapis
This recipe is a knock out!. When I served this to my in laws, it was finished in less than 5 minutes and guess what? They took back some home to enjoy. I also gave a portion to my colleague, she asked if I do take orders. Should I?

30 eggs yolks
2 egg whites
300g sugar
100g sifted flour
400g unsalted butter
4 tbsp condensed milk
1 tbsp mixed spices (available at Sun Lik)
1 tsp ovalet
5-6 tbsp rum (optional)

  1. Cream the butter till creamy.
  2. Remove and add in condensed milk and stir well.
  3. In a clean bowl, beat egg yolks, egg whites, sugar, ovalet together till fluffy.
  4. Add in flour, spices, creamed butter and rum.
  5. Stir well.
  6. Preheat the oven (use only top-heat) to 200 degree Celsius.
  7. Lined the 9-inch tray with grease proof paper and grease it.
  8. Grill layer by layer until the batter is finished.
  9. Each layer is about 5 tbsp of batter.
  10. Poke some holes using a fork and press each layer down with a flat spade before batter is added.
  11. When the batter is done, bake it in oven 180 degree Celsius (top and bottom heat) for 8 minutes.
  12. Cool on a cooling rack.

Chinese New Year Specials: Cornflakes Butter Cookies

I have been making this Cornflakes Butter Cookies for a few years. It has always been a hit as it is crunchy and extremely addictive. I used to take orders for these cookies but as schedule has stopped me from doing so I currently make small batches for my relatives and friends to sustain their craving for this all-time-favourite.

Chinese New Year Goodies 2:

Cornflake Butter Cookies
I learnt this from the Community Club (CC). I must say that CCs have many things to offer and courses are offered at very affordable prices. I would like to say that our government is probably the one and only that set up community centres for her citizens to gather, share and learn as a community.

250g Butter
150g sugar
1 egg
1 egg yolk
350 self raising flour
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 box of cornflakes
Some sugared cherries

  1. Cream the butter with sugar and vanilla till cream and fluffy.
  2. Add in egg and egg yolks slowly.
  3. Fold in the flour.
  4. Add in half of the cornflakes.
  5. Remove and roll the dough into small round balls.
  6. Coat the balls with remaining cornflakes.
  7. Top with a small piece of cut cherry.
  8. Bake for 160 degree Celsius for 20 minutes.

Chinese New Year Specials: Pineapple Tarts

Chinese New Year is finally here. Gong Xi Fa Cai to all my readers! May all your wishes come true.

It has been a busy period as I have been baking and cooking and now I finally have the chance to blog it. For those who link up with me via facebook would have a sneak at my CNY goodies. For some of my colleagues would have the chance to sample them. I shall blog them one at a time.

Chinese New Year Goodies 1:

Pineapple Tarts
Chinese believes that it is auspicious to eat Pineapple during the new year as pineapple sounds like (黄梨 sounds like 旺来) good fortune in Mandarin. So Chinese make tarts from pineapple and some even hang pineapple shaped lanterns in their home to welcome prosperity to their house.

This recipe has been tried and tested for many years. It has been perfected by my mother such that the pastry melts in your mouth and leaves a fragrant buttery taste behind which makes you beg for more. Seriously, I already received orders for next year.

4 Pineapples, grated
6 Pandan leaves
600g sugar
6 cloves
1 cinnamon bark

600g plain flour
250g butter (I prefer SCS)
1 egg and 3 egg yolks
1 tbsp milk powder
1 Egg yolk for brushing

  1. Cook all the ingredients for the jam in a big pot over small fire.
  2. Stir well to prevent burning.
  3. Cook the jam until it turns into a nice golden colour.

  1. Cream the butter till creamy.
  2. Add in eggs. Mix well.
  3. Add in flour and milk powder. Knead well.
  4. Roll the pastry to half a cm thick.
  5. Cut the pastry with a cutter.
  6. Put jam on the cut pastry. Flute the edge.
  7. Brush the pastry with egg yolk.
  8. Bake at 180 degree Celsius until golden brown.

I wish I could share this recipe earlier so you can make it for CNY. But nevertheless, you can make this anytime to enjoy its goodness.