Khong Bah Pau

Dear all,

Well, I bought belly pork last weekend and threw them into my freezer as I have not exactly decided what to do with them. I thought I would be making some fried wantons but today I decided to make some Khong Bah to make “chinese burgers”. Yes, it is sinful….but who cares.. 😛

I was quite apprehensive to make them at first because I did not succeed in making them a couple years ago (cos I followed a recipe book which I mentioned in my previous post).

This time round I am trying out Auntie Hannah’s recipe. So I shall try.
It was heavenly….. One of the best Khong Pah Pau I have ever tasted. One big advice, eat it with garlic slices. It brings out the flavour and adds freshness and bang to it!

I will definitely make again. Especially for pot luck party. It will be a HIT!

  • 800g of pork belly, cut into 3″ by 0.5″
  • 2 stalks of Spring Onion
  • 5 slices of ginger
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 star anise
  • 10g of cinnanon bark
  • 2 cloves
  • 60g of sugar
  • 3 tbsp of dark soya sauce
  • 3 tbsp of light soya sauce
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp of Hua Tiao Jiu
  • 500ml water

*Served with Garlic slices, Coriander and Chinese Lettuce

  1. Clean the pork belly and rub with some salt.
  2. Rinse and drain the pork belly.
  3. Heat up a pan, add some oil. Sear the pork belly.
  4. Remove when fragrant.
  5. In a pot, boil water, spices and other ingredients except Hua Tiao Jiu.
  6. Add in pork belly. Cover the pot, boil at low heat for about an hour.
  7. Open the lid and let the gravy reduce. It will take about 20 minutes or so.
  8. When the meat is tender and ready to eat, add in Hwa Tiao Jiu. Stir and switch off fire after a minute.
  9. Best serve hot with buns, garlic, lettuce and coriander.

You really need to try this! No regrets!

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