Beer Battered Fish and Onion Rings

Dear all,

I guess everyone shares the same fear as me when it comes to frying food….
  • Will my batter turns out crispy?
  • Will my batter stay crispy?
  • Will my batter coat my food well?
  • Will my batter taste good?
  • and the questions go on…
Fear no more. Solution is here! This recipe is tried and tested. And for those who has tasted Brewerks Onion Rings. Now you can make your very own Beer battered onion Rings.

Recipe for Beer Battered Fish and Onion Rings with Lemon Mayonnaise

Lemon Mayonnaise
  • 2/3 cup of mayonnaise
  • 2 teaspoon of finely grated lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
Beer Batter
  • 1 can of Beer (325ml)
  • 110g of self raising flour
  • 110g of plain flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon of five spice powder
Food items to be fried
  • 600g of White fish (e.g. cod), cut into thick slices
  • 1 yellow onion, cut into thick rings
  1. Mix the ingredients for lemon mayonnaise well and stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Whisk all the ingredients for beer batter into a smooth batter. It may look a little to watery but don’t worry.
  3. Heat the oil.
  4. Coat the fish and onion rings with batter and fry when oil is hot.
  5. Enjoy with the lemon mayonnaise. The lemony mayo will helps to refresh your palate from the deep fried food.


Coming soon

Hi readers,

Sorry that I was not able to post anything lately.
It has been hectic these couple of weeks.
I promise… the coming month will be full of exciting posts.
Because I got a new recipe book.
It was given to me by a bunch of wonderful colleagues!
See you soon.

Otah Otah

I want to make some otah desperately. I asked around and searched the internet for a decent recipe but was not convinced. I thought it is rather simple to do it….
I was wrong.
I flipped the “Mrs Lee’s Cookbook” by Shermay Lee and took reference from there.

I regretted.

The otah does not taste bad but it is not what I want my otah to be like. It is the texture.
It is rather rubbery when it gets cold …

I bought fresh mackerel to make my own fish paste. I think that is where the problem comes from. I think it is wiser to get the fish paste from fishball seller. They have adjusted the consistency well. I think I should have added more water into the fish mixture to have a smoother texture.

I will not share the recipe now as it needs major revision. I promise I will conquer the otah!

December Holiday Season

Dear readers,

The sight of december is nearing as you can see the christmas decorations everywhere. I was at Watson’s today and I saw them selling greeting cards, Santa’s socks and Christmas tabletop trees (placed next to women’s undergarment).
Also the weather is also working hand in hand with the calendar…. November Rain… and when december comes… umbrella will be your best friend.
Soon, I came to realization that the season of entertainment is coming . I NEED TO PLAN AHEAD. URGENTLY!!!
I want to design two menus which i can use to entertain the different guests profile during this season.
(A) Contemporary French Menu
(B) Asian Menu
It is always a challenge to put different food items together to make up a complete and satisfying menu. The items must compliment one another. Like how the wife complements the hubby and vice versa.
It is also tricky as one man’s need is another man’s poison… I cannot satisfy everyone, or can I?
I love soups…. and I hope my guests too.
Also the menu must be manageable for me to serve a crowd such that:
  • Kitchen constraints
  • Food remains fresh and warm
  • Cleaning and washing up (I will not use recycled materials)
  • My mental and physical tolerance….